Diablo 3 pc game review
Diablo 3 pc game review

There are some large modifications to the formula, but many of the changes from its 11-year-old predecessor are basic quality-of-life improvements, leaving the core as classic as can be and retaining the same addictive, repeatable, enjoyable gameplay that had us hooked for hundreds of hours back in 2001. Many of the tweaks from its 11-year-old predecessor. It’s been dressed up in beautiful graphics, garnished in stellar physics, and turned into a persistent online game, but these are mere supplements to a largely unchanged formula.

diablo 3 pc game review

Diablo 3 pc game review update#

But thanks to the 2.0.1 update (which released in late February, 2014), it has finally become the game many had been hoping it would be from the start.Īt its core, Diablo 3 is a game about clicking on stuff until it dies, stealing its loot, and leveling up.

diablo 3 pc game review

In many ways, Diablo 3 approaches the genre in the same way-it’s essentially a good Diablo clone. Each game iterated on the Diablo concept, making changes that served to supplement the tropes instead of attempting to reinvent them. And for good reason-while games like Torchlight and Titan’s Quest made slight modifications to the formula, they’ve still treated the genre as “Diablo” instead of a standalone idea. But unlike the others, the hack-and-slash still carries the moniker of “Diablo clone,” nearly 20 years after its creation. Doom begat the first-person shooter, Grand Theft Auto begat the open-world game, and Diablo begat the hack-and-slash RPG. Some genres are defined by their ancestors.

diablo 3 pc game review

Diablo 3 review | GamesRadar+ Diablo 3 review | GamesRadar+

Diablo 3 pc game review